Holt County, Missouri

Benton Township History

Early Settlers of Benton Township

In 1840 a man by the name of Thomas Ferguson settled at the mouth of the south fork of Davis Creek, where the same debouches into the north fork of that stream, on the northeast quarter of section 6, township 61, range 38. He built, at the foot of the bluff at this point, a double log cabin, in which he entertained the traveling public. Ferguson had purchased this claim from a man by the name of Davis, after whom Davis Creek was named. About 1844 or 1845 he (Ferguson) sold the place to Andrew P. Jackson. This was, for years after, called Jackson's Point, and was, at one period, one of the widest known localities of the Platte Purchase. Jackson's Point was a stage station on the great line of coaches which, in that early day, carried the mail between St. Joseph and Council Bluffs at that period, called Cainsville.

This line was originally started by a company of Mormons, who afterwards sold out to Frost, the great overland mail contractor. This was, up to the period of the building of the Kansas City Railroad, the regular mail route between these two points. The first post-office established within the limits of what is now Benton Township was located here and called Jackson's Point Post Office. This was in a very early day (about 1844). A. P. Jackson was the first postmaster. In 1855 this post-office was moved across Davis Creek, to the single store which then stood on the site of what is now Mound City. This was kept by a man by the name of Galen Crow, and the name of the post-office was changed to North Point.

To return, however, to Jackson Point. Aside from the Jackson House,, which was spacious, and, for that day, well kept, the Point was a noted camping place during the period of the Mormon and California emigration, as the neighborhood abounded in excellent wood and water. The road, for miles above and below, were, from day's end to day's end, white with the wagon sheets of the westward bound emigrant trains. In 1853, Jackson sold out to Galen Crow and moved to California. Ten years after H. S. Busick became, by purchase, the owner of the property.

In 1870, he sold the place to Jacob Grosbeck, the present (1882) proprietor. The building which is still a prominent landmark near the foot of the bluff, a few hundred yards south of the limits of Mound City, is a large, well appearing double two-story frame building with a brick rear extension. The whole was built as early as 1844. The frame portion of the house was almost entirely reconstructed by Mr. Grosbeck, the present proprietor.

Source: The History of Holt and Atchison Counties, Missouri; 1882

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