Churches of Holt County
Church of the Evangelical Association Nodaway Township
The Church of the Evangelical Association, on the northwest quarter of section 17, township 60,
range 37, near the northwest corner of the farm now (1882) owned by Joseph Anselment, was a brick building erected in 1868,
at a cost of $3,200. This structure was blown down by a hurricane, in 1879. A frame building was, in the spring of 1880,
built on the old foundation, 36x46 feet, at a cost of $1,500.
The original members of this church, or "class," were Adam
Rung, Ulrich Bucher, Joseph Anselment, Daniel and Henry Zachman and Henry Smith and their wives. The present membership
of this church is seventy-five.
The first minister of the church, by whom the original class was first formed, was the
Rev. Henry Hass. His successors, in regular order have been Revs. John Worth, McKessin, Henry Mattil, John Beck, E. Evans,
S. J. Seip, and the present (1882) minister, Rev. Charles Linge, called in 1879.
Source: "History of Holt and Atchison County, 1882" Transcribed by Karyn Techau, 2016